6-9-16 THE LAUNCH!

Website time!

So this took a lot longer than I had expected. But as a fundamentally impatient being I never think anything is going to take as long as it does! The website is more of a showcase for past as well as present work - since after you sell something on etsy it disappears from the e-commerce universe - it also adds some legitimacy and artistic-lifestyle-aesthetic to the brand! 

I am hoping to engage in craft fairs in the coming winter and having a website also helps with convincing the admission panel that you're super awesome and should definitely be there.

Special shout out to Dylan, Brenna, Tyler, and Mason for helping me get the website up and running! <3

Note.... this is the first website I've ever made so there may or may not be some weird things going on - feel free to let me know and I'll try to fix it! hahah

Katie Jagel