Instagram 10 K! SALE

It’s official! I’m a #knitfluencer ! I hit 10 THOUSAND followers on instagram! I’m also so pleased and honored to reach this social media milestone. It’s where I first started The Queen Stitch! Before my website, before my ravelry, before everything, I had the gram.

Just a place where I could share things that I was making, this was even before I knew how to write or read patterns, just a lot of circular beanies and granny square blankets.

How far we’ve come!

This was my very first instagram post. A sweater I was making for my boyfriends mom. Diane still has it!


There’ve been other milestones hit as well, all captured by my most favorite of social media platforms.

The first thing I made for purchase…


My first pattern for sale: (you can still grab it!)


My first professional photoshoot…


My first formal collection: The Seaside Collection <3


And so many other special moments. As a thank you, I’ll be having my biggest sale ever this weekend - 50% off all the patterns on my site! Have ‘attem with code: INSTA10K.

and if you don’t already… Follow me on Instagram!

Katie Moore